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Don’t Salt Your Steps: Ice Melting Tips

salting steps before snow

Are you not looking forward to a winter wonderland? Yes, most of us are. But one thing that we often forget is the long list of things we need to do to prepare ourselves for the season. Gearing up against the challenge of keeping ourselves and our families safe in winters is the biggest challenge. Getting rid of snow and ice on steps, driveway, parking lot, and sidewalk is one of the biggest winter woes.

A common way to clear icy pavement is to use rock salt. However, it can lead to big headaches later. Rock salt is corrosive to concrete, asphalt, and bricks as well. Salt traces left on the surface causes stains and streaks. The real problem starts when it gets into the porous concrete and creates holes and cracks that get worse with frequent freeze-thaw cycles of water. 

In this article, we will talk about 5 Ice melting tips to get rid of snow this winter.

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5 Ice Melting Tips To Get Rid Of Snow This Winter

1- See Ingredients

If you are looking for a safe ice melt this winter, then you must check the ingredients. What makes salt an inappropriate solution is its composition. Rock salt is basically sodium chloride. Most of the ice melt are generally a blend of sodium chloride and other minerals like magnesium and calcium. While both salt and ice melt have chloride in their composition, there are a few salt-free and chemical-free ice melt. These chloride-free ice melts are non-toxic and non-corrosive as they are composed of natural ingredients like urea, which is safe to use around pets, kids, concrete, and plants.

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Safe Paw

The Original and the #1 Child and Pet Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe – will not harm waterways and sensitive wetlands.

2- Check side effects

As mentioned above, rock salt and most ice melt damage your lawn, driveways, pavements, and steps.

The porous concrete on your driveway and steps absorbs the salty mixture. When the temperature drops below 25 degrees, the water refreezes and puts additional hydraulic pressure on the concrete, thereby damaging it. 

A good ice melt that is safe on concrete is composed of natural ingredients and therefore does not damage your concrete.

3- Pre-treat the surface

Pre-treating your steps with the best ice melt for new concrete prevents the snow from freezing up when it hits the ground. You can shovel away the soft snow as soon as you get the chance.

4- Adding some traction

Another way to fix slippery steps is by using traction. Although traction doesn’t melt ice, it can definitely help you avoid some slip and fall accidents. These are mostly organic items like sand, wood shavings, sawdust, and kitty litter.  

Get ready for winter with the ONLY Pet Safe Ice Melt you can trust

5- Seal the deal

Apart from choosing the right ice melt, you can also seal the cracks with a flexible sealant and prevent moisture from getting into the concrete of your steps. 

Looking for more chemical-free, natural ice melt solutions that are safe and effective to use this winter? Check them out here.


A. Salting before snow can create a briny mixture that can damage both the concrete and the metal railings, leading to corrosion over time.

A. There are numerous solutions available like using sand for extra traction, using a heat mat, or applying a de-icing product that is safe for concrete and metal.

A. Salt can be corrosive to metal and concrete, can discolor your steps, and it’s also harmful to plants and grass nearby.

A. No, it is not advisable. Ice can make wood steps slippery and dangerous. Moreover, using salt to melt the ice can damage the wood.

A. Salt can lead to ‘concrete spalling’ where the surface of the concrete begins to chip and flake away. This is due to the freeze-thaw cycle that salt induces in the concrete.

A. Ice on wooden steps can make them extremely slippery and unsafe to use. Furthermore, the moisture from the ice can seep into the wood, causing damage and decay.

A. You can use de-icing products that contain calcium magnesium acetate or calcium chloride. These are less harmful than salt and effectively melt the ice.

A. Regularly sweeping off snow before it can compact and form ice, applying a sealant to the stairs, or using heated stair mats can help prevent ice formation.

A. Magnesium chloride is often viewed as less damaging than sodium chloride (table salt), but it’s still not ideal for use on stairs because it can cause corrosion.

A. Sand or organic, non-salt based de-icers can be a good choice. You can also use heated stair mats, which consume electricity but don’t contribute to salt pollution.

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Stay safe and confident this winter with Traction Magic!
This innovative, 100% natural product offers instant traction on any icy surface. Whether you’re navigating your sidewalk, steps, or driveway, Traction Magic helps you stay upright and prevents falls.

Other Ice Melt Products

Walk On Ice

Prevent slips at home, work or on the go, The handy disposable canister can be taken everywhere, with the same 100% naturally occurring minerals that provide instant traction on ice or snow.

Walk On Ice - Traction On Ice

Safe Thaw

Imagine an ice melt you can put down and never worry about. It won’t harm pets, kids and your property. That’s Safe Thaw. Unlike anything else on the market, Safe Thaw can change how winter affects our planet.

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