Pet Safe Ice Melt

Safe Paw: The Pet-Safe Ice Melt

Get slip-free driveways and sidewalks without harming your pet’s delicate paws or worrying about burns, inflammation, or possible poisoning hazards from harmful chemicals. Safe Paw is an all-natural, toxin-free, chemical-free ice melt that is 100% safe to use around your furry friends.

Did you know that salt and chemical-based ice melt products contain chloride that: –

► get absorbed by your pet’s skin and cause burns, irritation, and pain in your pet’s mouth and feet. 

► can develop stomach problems and be poisonous to dogs and cats if ingested.

► cause dehydration because it draws moisture from their bodies. Thereby causing severe weakness and fatigue in dogs leading to death in certain cases.

So, how do you remove snow and ice without harming your pet?

Dog's Paw Safe Ice Melt


Safe Paw- The Pet-Safe Ice Melt

A chloride-free, salt-free, and acetate-free ice melt that is 100% safe to use around pets.

A Pet’s Parent’s Worst Nightmare: Pets love to play with snow and chew on things they shouldn’t. That’s why the last thing you want to find in your yard are dangerous chemicals left over from snow-melting products.

Safe Paw is a pet-safe, chemical-free, 100% all-natural ice melt that works as hard as salt but is still gentle with your pet’s delicate skin and paws.

Our pet-friendly ice melt has been designed with your pets’ safety in mind. We use natural plant products to melt ice at a consistent rate while keeping your pet’s paws free of painful salt burns.

Safe Paw - Pet Safe Ice Melt

8 lbs Jug

Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

Safe Paw - Ice Melt For Concrete Driveways

22 lbs Flexicube

Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

Safe Paw - Roof Safe Ice Melt

35 lbs Pail

Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

Get ready for winter with the ONLY Pet Safe Ice Melt you can trust

    Safe Paw Ice Melt Safe For Dogs

    How Pet Safe Ice Melt Works?

    How Ice Melt Works

    Works Immediately

    Its patented dual-effect compound starts melting ice instantly by quickly penetrating and destabilizing ice and speeding up the melting process.

    ice melt safe for concrete

    Prevents Freeze-Thaw Cycle

    The glycol component in Safe Paw maintains the melted ice in a liquid state. Thereby preventing the freeze-thaw cycle and keeping your concrete safe from pitting, spalling, and developing popouts.

    ice melt for concrete

    Provides Slip-Protection

    It contains a proprietary traction agent that provides slip protection so you can walk around your home or office without worrying about slipping and falling.

    ice melt for concrete

    Prevents Formation Of Ice For 72 Hours

    The Teflon effect of Safe Paw prevents ice formation by forming an undetectable layer on the deiced surface, making it easier to shovel.

    ice melt on concrete

    Feature- Benefits
    Safe Paw Concrete Safe Ice Melt

    safe paw ice melt for concrete

    Prevents slip and fall

    Safe Paw works differently than other ice melts because it forms a protective layer on top of the surface which keeps both humans and animals from slipping during those frigid months.

    Safe on paws

    Safe Paw does not contain salt or any other chloride compounds, making it safe for your pet’s sensitive paws! Unlike salt, it does not cause irritation, burning, or itching.


    Safe Paw contains 100% natural ingredients making it safe for pets, even if they ingest it in small amounts. You can rest assured knowing that your dog or cat will be fine, even if they lick their paws after walking on ice or snow.


    Safe Paw’s concentrated formula allows you to use just half of the regular products and still get better results.

    Highly effective

    It combines the best of both worlds: it melts ice and snow faster than salt, but unlike salt, it doesn’t pollute our water supply and the environment.

    Melt at low temperature

    Safe Paw works at -2F. This means that it melts faster when it is colder outside.

    Safe Paw - Pet Safe Ice Melt

    8 lbs Jug

    Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

    Safe Paw - Ice Melt For Concrete Driveways

    22 lbs Flexicube

    Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

    Safe Paw - Roof Safe Ice Melt

    35 lbs Pail

    Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

    Here’s What Our Customers are Saying About Safe Paw

    The only pet-friendly de-icer
    “I have been using this ice melt product for years now and I can tell you it is the only pet-friendly de-icer that works. It’s so easy to use, just sprinkle it on the pavement or walkway and wait a minute or two before letting your pets out. When it rains, the ice melts away leaving no residue outside your door.”
    Sophie J
    We love our pets
    “We love our pets. I have four cats and a dog. For many years, I have used Safe Paw in my home as a pet-friendly ice melter. Pets can walk on it, and lick it off their paws with no ill effects. It is a great product!”
    Delmar Sammons
    Keeping my pet’s paws safe in winter!
    “This ice melter is great for keeping pets off the cold hard ground. I have a dog and two cats, and the last thing I want is for them to get frostbite from how cold the ground can get during winter. Safe Paw has solved my problem of keeping my pet’s paws safe in winter!”
    Jean Schmitt

    Got Questions? Let’s Answer Them.

    Safe Paw is an all-natural, 100% chemical and toxin-free product. The primary ingredients include modified carbonyl diamide crystals, special glycols, and non-ionic surfactant accelerants to melt the ice quickly and prevent it from refreezing.

    Don’t worry! Salt and chloride-based ice melt stain carpets because when chlorine is added to water, it turns into hydrochloric acid (HCl). Hydrochloric acid can cause bleaching and staining when it comes into contact with certain materials, such as carpets or clothing. Safe Paw won’t stain carpets when tracked indoors by pets. In fact, it’s water soluble and will wash away with water. If you’re still concerned about tracking, you can avoid this by using a doormat or a towel to wipe your pet’s paws before they come inside from playing in the snow.

    While we wouldn’t recommend it, there’s no reason your pup couldn’t eat Safe Paw ice melt if he happened to get some in his mouth. Our product is made from all-natural ingredients, so there’s no risk of him getting sick from it. There’s a reason why everyone calls it the best pet safe ice melt.

    You should always check with your local veterinarian if you have any questions about the safety of any products or activities for your pet.

    Safe Paw does not contain any dye, so there’s no need to worry about it staining your pet’s fur.

    Safe Paw contains special surfactants that spread faster and covers the maximum area in small quantities. Since it is a concentrated solution, use ½ of what you would use with salt!

    If calcium chloride gets into your pet’s eyes or ears or on their skin or fur, it can cause irritation and pain. Safe Paw is free from calcium chloride or any such harmful chemicals.

    Yes. Safe Paw provides an extra layer of packaging that checks the product’s reaction with any external element, including air, moisture, and sunlight, so you can safely store and use it in the next season.

    Safe Paw will work on any concrete more than 12 months old. As long as your new concrete has had a chance to cure for at least a year, you’ll be able to use Safe Paw without worrying about damaging the surface. Testing on a small patch is recommended to ensure that the surface will not react adversely to the product.

    If you have any concerns about applying Safe Paw, feel free to get in touch with our team of experts.

    Safe Paw - Pet Safe Ice Melt

    8 lbs Jug

    Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

    Safe Paw - Ice Melt For Concrete Driveways

    22 lbs Flexicube

    Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

    Safe Paw - Roof Safe Ice Melt

    35 lbs Pail

    Safe Paw -100% Safe for Pet People Property Planet, No Salt No Chloride, Safe for Cat & Dog Paws, Non-Toxic No Concrete Damage

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