
Is It Safe To Use Ice Melt For Concrete Less Than 1 Year Old?

It’s that time of year again when you’re scrambling to find the best ice melt for concrete less than 1-year-old. After all, you want your new concrete surface to last...


Is It Okay To Apply Ice Melt To Concrete That Is Less Than One Year Old?

It’s great that you want to find a way to keep your concrete from cracking, but I don’t think it’s going to be possible. Ice melts can be very useful...


How Does Salt Melt Ice?- The Scientific Reason

The first scientific discovery of how salt melts ice was made in 1822 by French chemist Claude Louis Berthollet, who found that adding salt to ice actually causes it to...


Pre-Purchase Inspection Of A Driveway

If you’re buying a house, you’re probably excited. You’ve been dreaming about this day for years, and now it’s finally here. However, there’s one thing that can ruin your big...


For A Driveway, What Is The Best Concrete Mix?

When you’re building a new driveway, you want the concrete to be strong and durable. You also want it to be easy to work with so that it can be...


Keeping Car And Concrete Snow Free: Essential Tips

In winter, driving to work can be a challenge. Snow and ice are common in most parts of the country, and your car needs to be ready for them. The...


Do NOT Use Ice Melt On New Concrete, And Here’s Why!

Concrete surfaces require excellent care, and if you are using a chloride-based ice melt, you have to be doubly sure. With every winter, snow and ice removal becomes a problem....


How To Prevent Concrete From Road Salt Damage

Salt can harm concrete, especially if it is very new. In the winter, it’s at risk of becoming weaker and more vulnerable to damage from sub-freezing temperatures and de-icing salts...


Best Ice Melt For New Concrete

The term new concrete refers to concrete that has been installed for less than a year. The effects of melting products on new concrete differ depending on the region and...


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