
Potassium Chloride Vs. Safe Paw

Ice melt, ice melt everywhere, which one to choose is the question of the season! Online stores, supermarkets, home depots, or hardware stores are full of different types of ice...


How Much Ice Melt Should You Use?

We all know how ice melt affects our environment and vegetation. Whether it is rock salt or potassium chloride ice melt, we have several products used by residential and commercial establishments...


Ultimate Guide To Buying An Ice Melt

There are a variety of ice melt products available in the market for different needs. Some come in the form of a liquid formula, while others come in pellets or...


7 Things To Get Your Car Ready For Winter

No-starts, frozen doors, and windows, engine freeze-up, and accidents are real threats in winter. For those harsh winter months, you need to take some precautions to keep your car safe. ...


Homemade Ice Melt Vs Safe Paw For Concrete

You may find several snow-melting products to keep your driveway clear all winter. However, if you’re looking for ice melt that won’t damage concrete, then you have to be selective. ...


Why You Should NOT Use Chloride Based Ice Melts

This chloride-based magnesium ice melt works well in cold weather. But when the temperature falls drastically, the melting process slows and may even come to a halt. To put it...


7 Homemade Ice Melt To Replace Salt This Winter

To prevent accidents due to slippery driveways, sidewalks during snowy winters, one needs to be prepared for a solution beforehand. Either you can go for some ice melt readily available...


3 Ways To Avoid Pet Injuries In Winter

As a pet owner, we understand the anxiety you must go through every winter. The constant worry of paw burns and abrasions, cuts because of unsafe deicers or ice melts,...


Safe Paw: Being Responsible

The biggest challenge during winter is clearing the snow off your driveway and keeping yourself safe from falling. With several brands selling ice melt safe for pets and concrete, we know...

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