
How Ice Dams Form And How To Prevent Them?

Ice dams are a common sight for homeowners in snowy, cold winter settings. An ice dam is a collection of ice that forms along the lower edge of a roofline...


How To Dig Out Your Car After A Snow Storm?

Snowstorms in December and January are inevitable, and you need to be prepared for the worst. Be it your property or your car, and you need to make sure that...


How To Easily Remove Snow After A Snow Storm?

For people who live in northern climates, snow and ice removal is a tremendous headache and an inconvenient fact of life, as well as a lucrative off-season industry for landscapers...


Don’t Salt Your Concrete Driveway- Use This Instead

People in areas with harsh winters are familiar with the dangers of a slick, icy driveway. Your driveways can become slip and fall hazards, putting you at risk of falling...


5 Best Tips For Spreading Ice Melt

Ice melt is a life savior in winters, but not knowing how to apply it can ruin your concrete and asphalt surfaces. However, there are a few tips to keep...


This Is The Safest Ice Melt To Use On Concrete Driveways

Every winter poses a new challenge, and with changing weather conditions, the intensity and frequency of snowfall have changed everywhere. There are regions where snowfall has declined and others where...


Top Tips For Walking The Dog In The Winter

Winter, with its low temperatures and inclement weather, can put your dogs in danger while they are outside. Most dogs, though, will still require daily walks. When taking your dog...


Best Tips To Protect Your Flat Roof From Snow Damage

Accumulated snow can be a killer, and when you have a flat roof, the damage is incomparable. But with the correct ice melter for roofs, you can get the job...


When It Is Too Cold And Dangerous To Walk Your Dog?

As a proud dog owner, you know that going for a walk is the best time of day for your dog, aside from mealtimes. Consider whether it’s safe for your...

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