The Best Ice Melt Is Also Safe For Pets And Kids

Does the safety of your pets mean the world to you? Do you feel the pain when they cannot step out for their walks or stroll in icy winters because of ice melt products? If these thoughts trouble you every winter, you are right to think this way.
The primary use of any ice melt is to ease your winter woes by helping you clear your driveways, sidewalks, stairs, patios, roofs, and pathways. Wintertime brings lots of ice and snow, and that means that people will start using ice melting products to help prevent slip and fall accidents. However, the majority of ice melting products are made with salt, which is harmful to kids, pets, and the environment.
With several types of products available in the market, it becomes difficult to choose the best ice melt to help you through the winter. Safe Paw Ice Melt is an alternative product that keeps your walkways free of ice and still keeps your pets and children safe from harm.
What Makes Rock Salt Ice Melt Bad For Kids, Pets?
Rock salt along with other salt-filled ice melting products is made with sodium chloride or potassium chloride. Both of these elements heat up when exposed to ice and snow, as well as remaining on the surface of the ice for a long period of time. This causes dangers for pets and kids for several reasons.
The salt can burn their skin, irritate the eyes, and cause problems like gastritis, intestinal issues, or kidney damage if eaten. Plus, salt also damages the environment, gets into groundwater, and kills plants and animals, and damages personal property.
If we talk about pets, several factors affect their well-being every time they step on ice melt.
Pet-Friendly Ice Melt

Pet Friendly Ice Melt – Safe Paw!
The Original and the #1 Child and Pet Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe – will not harm waterways and sensitive wetlands.
What Happens When Pets Step Out During Winters, Especially On Ice Melt?
- Pets are bound to expose their paws and body to the ice melt already spread on the driveway or stairs when they step out. Regular exposure to ice melt can crack their paws or cause abrasions because of the high chloride content. It, in turn, results in causing a peculiar burning sensation, making them moan in pain.
- They are bound to lick some amount of salt to keep their paws clean. Consuming too much salt or sodium chloride, even accidentally, can elevate the salt level in their body. It can result in seizures and allergic reactions. If the ice melt contains calcium chloride, it may cause ulcers in their mouth and upset their stomach as well.
- Even if you come across labels who say theirs is the best ice melt for pets, it is better to be precautious and check for sodium content, chlorides, etc., to ensure your pet’s safety.
- We may not realize it, but pets are more susceptible to slush and brine left after the ice melts than anyone else. It is because they might end up licking a little of this that may induce diarrhea or vomiting. The effect of the ice melt also differs from pet to pet.
- Ingesting ice melt is also the leading reason of dehydration amongst pets or dogs in winters. An excess amount of salt dries up their mouth, resulting in water loss or dehydration.
We must consider the safety of our pets as we battle icy sidewalks and driveways as winter sets in. Some ice melts may be downright unsafe for animals. Let’s talk about the other side of usual de-icers and why it is so important to go for pet-friendly ones.
Topical Irritation from Ice Melts
Pets suffer a lot when walking in treated areas. Certain substances found in regular de-icing salts such as rock salt or calcium chloride can cause severe topical irritation. The pain these hardening agents impose upon sensitive paw pads cannot be imagined. This might result in redness, dryness, splitting or even chemical burns for your pets. After a walk, they may excessively lick their paws due to discomfort, which leads to further issues due to the ingestion of these harmful chemicals.
Gastrointestinal Issues from Ingesting Ice Melts
Accidental ingestion is a significant concern with traditional ice melts. As pets clean their irritated paws, they ingest chemicals that can wreak havoc on their gastrointestinal system. Symptoms might include vomiting, diarrhea, and in severe cases, more dire health complications like electrolyte imbalances or kidney damage. These incidents are distressing and can lead to emergency veterinary visits, which are both stressful and costly.
Neurological Concerns
Though less common, there’s a darker side to the ingestion of certain ice melts containing calcium chloride and magnesium chloride—potential neurological effects. Animals exposed to high amounts might show symptoms such as muscle tremors, seizures, and neurological dysfunctions among others. Such risks should not be taken especially when there are alternatives for prevention.
The Safe Route: Non-Toxic and Pet-Friendly Ice Melts
So, what’s the safer alternative? Look for non-toxic ice melt products labeled as pet-friendly ice melt. These products typically contain ingredients less harmful to pets and the environment, reducing the risks associated with traditional de-icers. Brands like Safe Paw offer formulations designed to be effective without the hazardous side effects associated with salts and chlorides. These products are infused with ingredients that are biodegradable and less abrasive, ensuring that your pets are safe during their winter frolics.
Do you want a safer solution? Look out for labels such as non-toxic ice melt products that are rated pet-friendly ice melt products available in stores. This often means that they have ingredients that are less dangerous to animals and are environmentally friendly compared to traditional de-icers. Brands like Safe Paw offer formulations designed to be effective without the hazardous side effects associated with salts and chlorides. These comprise safe ingredients that are gentler on the pets’ feet.
Eco-Friendly Ice Melt: A Safer Choice
Opting for an eco-friendly ice melt is not just good for your pets but the environment too. These alternatives avoid polluting waterways, damaging vegetation, or causing long-term soil degradation. They offer a responsible way to handle winter’s challenges without compromising the health of our ecosystems or our beloved pets.
This winter, take a moment to read the labels and choose a safe deicer for pets. Your vigilance can prevent unnecessary discomfort or health issues for your pets and contribute to a healthier environment. Remember, what goes on your driveways and sidewalks eventually makes its way into your home and onto your pets’ paws. Make a choice that ensures safety all around.
By switching to products designed with both pet safety and environmental preservation in mind, you contribute to a safer winter for everyone.

How Can You Reduce The Effect Of Ice Melt On Pets, Especially Dogs?
- Don’t let your dogs lick their paws all the time, especially during winters. They may accidentally end up consuming too much salt or chloride.
- Keep their paws clean by wiping them off when they enter or using different paw protection products. These include doggie booties or paw wax to reduce irritation and to avoid cuts from ice melt products.
- As a conscious user of ice melt products, you must choose the best pet safe ice melt to avoid any injury or unwanted bleeding.
- It is best to keep all ice melt products or packets away from your precious buddies lest they consume any accidentally.
Pet Safe Ice Melt – Safe Paw

Safe Paw, Child Plant Dog Paw & Pet Safe Ice Melt -35lb, 36 Pails

Safe Paw, Child Plant Dog Paw & Pet Safe Ice Melt -22lb, 100Bboxes

Safe Paw, Child Plant Dog Paw Pet Safe Ice Melt, 160 Jugs
Pet Products Powered By
As ardent dog-lovers, we believe the safety of our pets begins with us by choosing the right products. It is where Safe Paw comes into the picture. We created Safe Paw with only one intention in mind- Safety of Our Pets And Kids. We resonated with the emotions of our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and everyone around us to present a product that will serve you well during winters, year on year.
To hear our patrons use our ice melt and see a marked difference in their pets’ health and paw protection elates us and pushes us to do more. Not only do they come back to us, they further recommend our products to their family and friends too.
What Is Safe Paw Ice Melt?
Safe Paw Ice Melter is not like traditional salt-related ice melting products. It is environmentally friendly, having won the PTPA Green Product Seal, and is used in many animal-related businesses. It is formulated so that it won’t hurt kids, pets, plants, or cause stains or damage to personal property.
We recently conversed with one of our customers, Dean, who has been a regular user of Safe Paw for the past few years. Being a concerned pet-owner and eco-friendly citizen, Dean had a couple of interesting insights to share with us after using our product.
He said, ‘I read a couple of reviews of other companies who claimed to sell the best ice melt for pets, but they did not specify anything to highlight the effects of the products on pets, especially dogs. I was curious to know how to protect my pet from any harmful effects and keep my kids, family, and home safe. After reading a couple of online reviews and personally checking every product, I came across Safe Paw.
The ingredients mentioned on the packaging fit well with the kind that would not harm my pet or hamper their safety. So I bought a box of it one time to test it out. And I have not been happier! I have been purchasing the product for over three years now and know that it works.
My pet did not show any signs of irritation. We did not notice any damage to our surroundings after the snow had melted. The best part of the product is it never leaves any residue. Once it melts, the water or slush helps to boost our garden growth as it acts like a mini-fertilizer to them. It is pretty convenient to use, store, and clean.’
We believe that every pet owner has the right to ensure their pets or dogs have the best health in winters, and our repeat customers second our emotions. Every product should offer some degree of protection and reassurance, and with Safe Paw, we ensure that all your worries go away.
Safe Paw Ice Melt is a unique type of ice melting product. First, it is green in color so its pellets can be recognized and distinguished from regular rock salt ice melting products. Safe Paw is a patented mixture that is made of an altered crystal-like amide core instilled with a distinctive glycol admixture and a traction agent, which provides Safe Paw with a dual release action.
Gaia Enterprises Inc. delivers 100% pet-safe and environmentally friendly winter products. Safe Paw, our flagship product, is the #1 selling pet-safe ice melt that does not harm pets, safe if ingested, and safe on all types of concrete.
Melt Ice Immediately
The liquid portion of Safe Paw starts to melt the ice immediately, while the crystalline ingredients penetrate into the ice and destabilize it and make it melt fast. Plus, the added proprietary traction agent helps prevent a slip and fall accident. In addition, Safe Paw has a one of a kind ability to attract heat from the sun to give it more melting abilities during the daytime, plus it leaves an invisible shield after it melts the ice that prevents future sticking for as long as three days. This also makes it easier to shovel the snow.
Studies have shown that children and pets have suffered from the use of regular rock salt and other salt-filled ice melting products since both are likely to put things into their mouths. However, Safe Paw won’t cause the same issues as rock salt does. It is safe for use around sensitive plants, as well as your children and pets. So, if you want to be more green this year, try out Safe Paw.

We encourage pet parents and homeowners in general to make informed purchases that will prove beneficial in the long run. We understand the dilemma people go through while buying the best ice melter for pets but then make incorrect decisions.
We Have Highlighted A Few Questions You May Have Regarding Safe Paw Ice Melt.
Where Can I Buy Safe Paw Ice Melt Near Me?
Safe Paw ice melt is available on different online and retail stores such as, Petland,, Petco, Walmart, The Home Depot, Aubuchon Hardware, and PetCareRx. You can check with your nearest retailer as well for different Safe Paw products. We ensure that we keep our stocks updated around the year; however, it is possible to run out due to a last-minute rush.
What Kind Of Ice Melt Is Safe For Pets?
There are many ice melt products in the market, and we have to be careful with all types of salt and chlorides. It is best to stick to natural and organic-based ice melt products such as Safe Paw. With 100% salt-free ingredients, it is not harmful to pets’ paws and helps protect your garden bed and concrete from cracks and abrasions. Pets are most susceptible due to their sensitive paws, and the younger the pet, the more the effect of salts. With Safe Paw, you can relieve yourself of all these pressures.
Why Is It Necessary To Invest In Ice Melt Products?
Ice melt is the best way to protect yourself and your family from unwanted slips and falls. You have several types of ice melt in the market: calcium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, rock salt or sodium chloride, ice melt blends, etc. However, since all the products have salt elements, some residue is left behind in your garden or concrete. Although unlike other ice melter products in the market, Safe Paw does not contain any salts and chlorides, it is pet-friendly and environment-friendly.
How To Apply Safe Paw To Icy Surfaces And Store Them?
As one of the best ice melt products in the market, Safe Paw is super easy to use. You do not need an elaborate setup, nor do you need any help to apply it. It comes with an easy-to-use consumer jug and a removable top lid that makes it convenient to spread the colored granules on any icy surface. It is ideal for driveways, sidewalks, patio, steps, decking materials, and even your roof!
You need to use ½ the quantity of salt, and you are good to go. It saves you time and energy and works exceptionally well on cured concrete as well! What makes Safe Paw even more beneficial is that its endothermic reaction takes complete advantage of a solar effect, making your ice melt faster without causing any damage. You can store it anywhere in the house. It will not harden nor will it spill overdue its protective top cover.
It is easy to ignore the effects of salt on the environment, even your surroundings. However, there is no way you can skip the outcome when it comes to pets and kids. If you are still searching for the best ice melt for your pets, you know you have come to the right place. You have taken the right step to help protect everyone in your family. You can now enjoy stress-free winters without worrying about falling, slipping, or running to the vet for any pet examination. Safe Paw makes your winter woes disappear almost immediately.
Stay safe and confident this winter with Traction Magic!
This innovative, 100% natural product offers instant traction on any icy surface. Whether you’re navigating your sidewalk, steps, or driveway, Traction Magic helps you stay upright and prevents falls.
Other Ice Melt Products
Walk On Ice
Prevent slips at home, work or on the go, The handy disposable canister can be taken everywhere, with the same 100% naturally occurring minerals that provide instant traction on ice or snow.

Safe Thaw
Imagine an ice melt you can put down and never worry about. It won’t harm pets, kids and your property. That’s Safe Thaw. Unlike anything else on the market, Safe Thaw can change how winter affects our planet.