Category: Pet Safe
Protect Your Pets with Safe Paw Ice Melt: A Pet-Safe, Eco-Friendly Solution for Melting Ice
Dog safe ice melt is important for several reasons:
- Pet safety: Traditional ice melt products often contain chemicals, such as sodium chloride and calcium chloride, that can be harmful to pets. When dogs come into contact with these chemicals, they can cause irritation and burns to their paws, and can also cause digestive issues if ingested. Dog safe ice melt products, such as Safe Paw, are formulated to be safe for pets, reducing the risk of injury or illness.
- Environmental protection: Traditional ice melt products can also be harmful to the environment. When these products are washed into waterways, they can contribute to pollution and harm fish and other aquatic life. Dog safe ice melt products are typically formulated to be more environmentally friendly, reducing the risk of harm to the ecosystem.
- Home safety: Using traditional ice melt products can also pose a risk to home surfaces, including concrete, asphalt, and decking. These products can cause damage to surfaces over time, leading to costly repairs. Dog safe ice melt products are typically formulated to be gentler on surfaces, reducing the risk of damage.
Pet Safe Ice Melt In Iowa: A Comparison Of 5 Ice Melt Products
In the last week of January 2021, a blockbuster snowstorm hit portions of the central and northeastern US, making traveling and going out of the homes dangerous. Parts of Iowa...
My Pet Safe Ice Melt Solutions During Heavy Snowfall This Winter In Pennsylvania
The 2020 Winter Outlook released by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that Pennsylvania has equal chances of a drier than average and a wetter than average winter....
Pet Safe Ice Melt Available In New York: A Comparison
In early February, the first major winter storm of 2021 hit New York City and parts of the mid-Atlantic and Northeast. The severe storm impacted transportation and other essential activities. ...
3 Ways The Wrong Ice Melt Can Ruin Your Health
If you go out on the market to pick an ice melt, you will come across dozens of options. While most claim to be safe for humans and animals, some...
Washington, Looking For Pet Safe Ice Melting Solutions Near You?
For Washington, the Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that ‘winter temperatures and precipitation will be close to normal, on average, with below-normal snowfall. The coldest periods will occur in mid-January and...
Celebrate A Pet Safe New Year This Winter
The new year is here, accompanied by a bundle of exciting activities for all of us. It’s a new beginning with excitement, parties, and fireworks. But for our four-legged friends,...
6 Ways To Avoid Pet Injuries This Winter In California
A significant storm over the last several days created many impacts across California, causing some cities to flood, and higher elevations to record several feet of snow. More than 7...
My Pet Safe Ice Melt Solutions During Heavy Snowfall This Winter In Iowa
According to Farmer’s Almanac, this winter temperature will be much above normal, on average in Iowa. Snowfall is predicted to be below normal in most areas, with the snowiest periods...
My Pet Safe Ice Melt Solutions During Heavy Snowfall This Winter in Denver
As of Nov 6, the snowpack across the state was 43% below the median. However, it is about to change. Currently, we are in the La Nina phase, and it...