
Is There An Ice Melt That Won’t Damage Concrete?

Imagine you built a house with all your savings, and then comes the winter and along with it comes ice and snow. Now your home is covered with snow, and...


Pet Safe Ice Melt: Are They Really Safe?

Ice melt, which keeps you safe in cold weather, may harm dogs and cats who come into contact with it. Ice melting products allow you to walk safely to your...


Winter Storm Warning: The Only Ice Melt That’s Safe for Concrete

With the onset of winters it is time to start thinking of buying an ice melt for your driveway and roof shingles. But not any ice melt is right for...


7 Ways To Protect Your Concrete Driveway

Driveways are one of the most heavily used areas of your home, and they are frequently overlooked until they become stained or cracked. Make repairs as soon as possible to...


Concrete Pavers? Use THIS Ice Melt

Concrete pavers, whether interlocking or architecture, adds aesthetic value to your outdoor look. Patio and backyard are the common places where concrete pavers are installed.  However, taking care of concrete...


Safest Ice Melt For Brick Pavers

Outdoor walkways are beautiful. Not only do they look elegant, but they also don’t make a hole in your pocket. However, they do require some care and in the snowy...


5 Ways In Which Rock Salt Is Harming You

Salt is one of the most popular methods to clear snow and ice. However, popularity doesn’t mean it’s the best way to get rid of slippery layers of ice. Though...


I Was Shocked When I Used Safe Paw On My New Concrete

We have come across several feedbacks and positive comments over the past 20 years. However, when people come up to us and tell us they have found their perfect ice melt...


Homemade Ice Melt Vs Safe Paw For Concrete

You may find several snow-melting products to keep your driveway clear all winter. However, if you’re looking for ice melt that won’t damage concrete, then you have to be selective. ...

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