
5 Tips That Make Winter Easier

Ice is not just a minor annoyance, it can end up causing serious problems if not taken care of. It weakens the structure, destroys lawns, ruins cars, and can even...


Most Commonly Asked Questions About Ice Melt – Part I

Elections and snow are the two most discussed topics these days. While you can’t do much about elections, you can get rid of snow by using a reliable and concrete...


Best Ice Melt For Decks This Winter In Boston

We’ve already had snow-sleet and freezing rain to ring in the new year. The average total snowfall in January in Boston is about 13 inches (33 cm); however, the record...


New Yorkers, Is Your Ice Melt Destroying Your Facility?

Almanac Weather Forecast had forecasted that the winter temperatures would be above-normal in New York. However, forecasters also concluded that the amount of snow this winter would be strongly dependent...


Why Safe Paw Is Perfect For Both Residential And Commercial Users?

Ice melt are a great way to melt away a lot of ice in a short amount of time. However, the biggest problem with some ice melt is that they...


Ice Melt Safe For Dogs In Missouri

According to the Farmer’s Almanac’s forecast, the Northern United States can expect a long and cold winter, with below-normal temperatures throughout the Midwest and Great Lakes region, stretching across the...


Michigan, Here’s What You Should Use On The New Concrete

The Almanac report predicts that Winter temperatures in Michigan will be ‘much above normal, on average, despite cold periods in early and mid-December, from late December into early January, in...


5 Common Pet Injuries & How To Avoid Them

We all love our pets and would never want them to sustain any kind of injury. They’re a part of our family, however, just like our kids, pets can also...


Coloradans, No More Ice Melting Chemicals Please

Farmers’ Almanac is predicting ‘normal to below-normal temperatures on the Central Plains and the Rockies.’  The  Almanac also predicts above-normal snowfall in the northern areas of Colorado and Utah. Frequent...


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