
Philadelphia, Don’t Make These Mistakes When Melting Ice

The climate of Philadelphia is continental, with cold winters and hot summers. Winter from December to February is pretty cold, and the wind chill can make the air feel colder...


5 Ways To Melt Ice On Your Roof In Columbus

As per Almanac, winter temperatures in Columbus will be above normal, on average. But there will be cold periods in early and mid-December, from late December into early January, in...


Washington, Looking For Pet Safe Ice Melting Solutions Near You?

For Washington, the Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that ‘winter temperatures and precipitation will be close to normal, on average, with below-normal snowfall. The coldest periods will occur in mid-January and...


Eco-Friendly De-Icers In Colorado

On decoding La Nina patterns from the last decade’s records, we can say that Colorado ends up receiving a drier than normal winter in the La Nina years.  But Farmer’s...


New Yorkers, Is Your Ice Melt Destroying Your Facility?

Almanac Weather Forecast had forecasted that the winter temperatures would be above-normal in New York. However, forecasters also concluded that the amount of snow this winter would be strongly dependent...


Are You Using The Right Ice Melt Near A Well Or Water Reservoir?

Do you like winters? Yes, most of us do. They don’t call it “the most wonderful time of the year” for nothing. But the slippery and icy sidewalk in winters...


Using Ice Melt Vs Traditional Snow Removal Methods

As winter approaches, snow removal are likely to be on the top of your mind. Keeping ourselves and our families safe is a challenge in winter. Getting rid of snow...


Homemade Ice Melt Safe For Pets And Concrete

When we think about winter, the next thing that strikes our mind is snow. The beautiful white layer of snow may look ravishing but can cause serious accidents. And so...


Celebrate A Pet Safe New Year This Winter

The new year is here, accompanied by a bundle of exciting activities for all of us. It’s a new beginning with excitement, parties, and fireworks. But for our four-legged friends,...

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