
My Go-To Product For Our Front Porch And Walking Paths In Colorado

Deducing from the past trends, it has been found that Colorado gets a drier than normal winter in the La Nina years. But according to Farmer’s Almanac, Colorado will get...


My Pet Safe Ice Melt Solutions During Heavy Snowfall This Winter In Pennsylvania

The 2020 Winter Outlook released by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that Pennsylvania has equal chances of a drier than average and a wetter than average winter....


6 Ways To Avoid Pet Injuries This Winter In California

A significant storm over the last several days created many impacts across California, causing some cities to flood, and higher elevations to record several feet of snow. More than 7...


How Does Ice Melt Work? Using Safe Paw To Prevent And Melt Ice

What is Ice Melt? Ice melt changes the chemical make up of water and ice to lower the freezing temperature to keep water from freezing in low temperatures. Depending on...


How To Melt Ice Without Damaging Concrete?

During the winter months, ice can freeze on the concrete outside our homes creating a dangerously slick surface. This slippery ice can cause slips and falls to occur. Many people...

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