
Prepare For The NEXT Weather Alert In Philadelphia: Protect Your Driveway With Safe Ice Melt

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A NEXT Weather Alert has been issued for Friday afternoon through Saturday morning. A large winter storm will sweep across the area with accumulating snow for some...


Snow Cleanup In Southern California: How Safe Paw Ice Melt Can Be The Best Choice  

Some resort communities in the San Bernardino Mountains received as much as 10 feet of snow over the past week. They are still cleaning up as another storm is forecast...


Roof At Grass Valley Business: Tips To Prevent Roof Collapse During Heavy Snowfall

GRASS VALLEY – Rain and the weight of snow threatened buildings in Grass Valley, where some have already been red-tagged due to roof cave-ins or broken beams.  Rain has the...


Winter Storm Warning In Sierra: Preparing Your Facility To Prevent Damage

LAKE TAHOE — A Winter Storm Warning went into effect for the Sierra Thursday morning ahead of the arriving atmospheric river with the mountains facing up to eight more feet...


Alert In El Dorado County: How To Prevent The Snow-covered Roof From Collapse

EL DORADO COUNTY — As rain moves into areas that received feet of snow, the weight on rooftops increases, along with the risk for buildings to collapse. Emergency crews in...


Heavy Storm Hits Texas: Learn How To Stay Safe And Prepared During A Blizzard

Tornadoes touched down in Texas and Louisiana as a powerful storm system that dumped heavy snow in California moved eastward Thursday, knocking out power to more than 150,000 customers and forcing the...


Major Snowstorm In Utah: Tips For Melting Ice On Your Driveways

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with valuable tips for melting ice on your driveways safely and effectively, with a focus on using SafePaw ice melt – a pet-safe...


Weekend Weather Forecast: Tips For Winter Storm Preparedness

Winter Storm Preparedness: Forecasters on Saturday said the Northeast should brace for more snow and the southeast faced an upcoming threat of severe thunderstorms. Meanwhile, snow was falling in parts of the central...

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