
The 5 Types Of Dangerous Ice Melting Salts

With the onset of each winter, municipalities across the United States and Canada send out a fleet of snowplows to clear roads and apply salt to roadways. Keeping roadways open...


Alternative to Salt for Snow: How to protect the environment, pets and kids

States across the Snow Belt in the United States apply 17 million tons of deicing salt yearly onto roadways to combat the dangers of snow, ice, and slush. Anyone living...


Freeze Warning: Chloride-Free Ice Melt Safe For New Concrete

Many ice melting products and salt products can and will damage concrete. You want to have your new concrete last for years, then choose concrete-safe ice melt products that will...


Snow Melt That Does Not Damage Concrete

If you are using salt or other ingredients to melt snow in the winter ice storms, you are not alone. Many people use these agents every year and it offers...


Rock Salt or Ice Melt on Pavers?

Which one should I use? If you’re trying to decide whether or not to use rock salt or ice melt this winter, then maybe this will help you to decide...


What Is The Best Ice Melt For Sidewalks?

Winter is quickly creeping up on us, and that means the dreaded winter weather –snow, ice, rain and of course the below freezing temperatures. If you are like most people,...


5 Pet Safety Winter Weather Tips From SafePaw

In a recent interview Steve Vernik pet enthusiast & manufacturer of SafePaw, was asked 5 interesting questions regarding pet safety in winter weather. 1. What winter pet (dog) supplies should...


Go Green Ice Melting / Snow Melting The Safe Way

Winter is quickly approaching and snow and ice will pose a problem to homeowners, especially those who have pets or young children. Ice and snow can cause falls, which can...


Safest Ice Melt for Concrete Driveways

Winter weather can be harsh, and using traditional salt or calcium chloride-based ice melters can cause harm to pets, plants, and the environment. Not to mention, they can also damage...

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