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5 tips for applying Road Salts and Safe Paw Ice Melt


Adding road salt, or a non-toxic ice melt like Safe Paw helps to keep ice from forming and allows you to keep walkways, driveways, and paths free from slipping. Here are 5 tips for keeping your paths clear of ice throughout the winter.

1. Preventative gritting

Preventative gritting is the most ideal and successful method for keeping your walkways and driveways free from snow. To protect your surface from the snow, spread your Safe Paw or road salts over driveways, parking spaces, walkways, and road surfaces before it begins to snow. Adding grit before the snow falls can allow you to use half as much gritting material vs after ice has formed.

2. Clearing the snow

Have you ever been found unexpectedly by a sudden snow shower and your surface gets covered by snow? For this situation, it’s a smart thought to clear the snow prior to gritting. By so doing, you will be sure of getting the maximum from the amount of the road salts that you utilize.

3. Pick the correct size gritting material

Did you realize that the grain sizes of your road salt affect how fast it starts to work?  Little grains sink into the slush more rapidly but do lose their impact more rapidly. Coarse grains take longer to see the outcome, however, your driveway will remain free of ice for a longer time. You can get the best outcome by utilizing a blend of coarse and fine road salt.

Salt Spreader4. Spread your road salt evenly

One handful of the salt for one square meter is generally adequate. Ensure that you spread the salt equally over the whole surface. For larger areas, consider using a spreader for even and effective spreading with minimal effort.

5. Keep the road salt in dry places

The road salt absorbs the moisture so it is essential to keep your salt in a dry place. If road salts or gritting material get wet it will start to lump and won’t be as effective when it is spread.

These are some of the useful tips that you need to observe when gritting. If you follow the above tips then you will end up saving big on your precious time, money, and energy by utilizing road salt or a replacement like Safe Paw.

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