Ice Melter
With the Green economy movement, most companies, governments, and organizations are reinventing their products to make them less toxic and bringing sustainable development without degrading the earth. Gaia, a company established in 1988, has a real solution. With its first patented product brought to the market in 1992, Gaia promises to solve all your ice melter needs.

Our company strives in developing safe and effective products in the market and we have a proven track of sustainability which we vow to keep. We are constantly using innovation to come up with products that are environmentally friendly. One of our products is the Safe Paws ice melter. This product is one of its kind and one of the most recommended ice melter in the market. We have gone over and above what the market had to offer.
The common ice melters in the market have been found to have negative effects on animals causing skin irritation, digestive tract problems and when ingested and absorbed into the bloodstream, by the pets, it can cause nervous system problems due to the toxicity in the sodium.

Safe Paws ice melter is patented and we conducted a Toxicological Risk Assessment on the product and the results indicated that; Safe Paws was practically Nontoxic through ingestion and that only through repeated and prolonged interaction with the product that skin and eye irritation could be experienced.
Safe Paws, however, is corrosion free and non-allergen. Its packaged in the 8-pounds and 35-pound pail size and it has blue pellets content. It has carbonyl diamine and glyco admixture as its active ingredients. The packaging measures 11-1/3-inch length by 5-inch height by 7-1/2-inch width.
When sprinkled on the ice, it works by first melting the ice while breaking the tension of the surface, then after it penetrates the ice and destabilizes the ice speeding up the melting so you don’t have to wait for long.
Safe Paws ice melter has been recommended by veterinarians because it’s toxic-free and is safe when it comes into contact with our pets and children. What’s more, it also does not affect our surfaces and plants. It also safe on your hands and skin when using it.

Some of the key features include Safe Paws ice melter include:
- Non-Toxic and 100% salt-free.
- Highly concentrated pellets that cover double the capacity of the normal ice melters.
- Safe to use and does not damage the surfaces e.g. concrete, stone, or tiles.
- It’s safe for animals, children, and even plants.
- It prevents re-icing for up to 3 days.
You can get Safe Paws ice melter in stores across the US and some including Petco, Big, Tisol, Pet Supermarket, PetValu, and Aubuchon hardware You can also order online from the comfort of your home on Amazon, eBay, Zoro, among other online stores.
Some of them offer free delivery within the US but Terms and conditions may apply. This season, get yourself Safe Paws ice melter and have peace of mind knowing that we at Gaia, have put your children, pets, your property, and environment out of harms way by producing quality, affordable and toxic-free products within your reach.