
What Kind Of Ice Melt Is Safe For Concrete?

Ice melting products keep your walkways, steps, and driveways safe during winter. But, there are many different types of ice melt available to purchase. Some of these products contain chemicals...


The Benefits Of Heated Driveways Vs Ice Melt

When it comes to driveway maintenance, few choices have the power to be both highly effective and incredibly economical. One such choice is ice melt—which can help you save money...


Does Ice Melt Work On Thick Layers Of Accumulated Snow?

Snow is great for the environment, but it can be a real pain to clear. If you live in an area that gets heavy snow, you know how difficult it...


Tips For Melting Ice From The Deck Without Damaging Your Concrete

When the temperature drops, it’s tempting to use ice melts that can cause damage to your concrete deck. But there are ways to melt away ice without causing any harm...


Clearing Ice From Your Driveway In A Eco-Friendly Way

The winter months are a great time for snow sports, but they can also be stressful if you have to clear your driveway of ice and snow. You don’t need...


3 Best Tips To Prepare Your House For The Winter

If you’re like most people, with snow, you think of one thing: getting your house ready for winter. Before you know it, you rearrange furniture, unplug electronics from their chargers,...


The Reasons Why Pets Hate Cold Weather Just As Much As You Do

When the weather gets cold, it’s easy to assume that we’re the only ones who hate it. But did you know that your pets also hate the cold just as...


Ice Melt Or Kitty Litter: Which One You Should Buy?

As the winter season approaches, it’s essential to prepare for the cold weather. While you may have heard that kitty litter can be used as a deicer on walkways, driveways,...


How To Keep Your Pets And Home Safe From Frost Heave

Winter is here and with it comes frost heave. Frost heave occurs when frozen soil expands, causing the ground surface to move up and down. If you’re a homeowner or...

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