Tag: Eco Friendly Deicer
How Does Salt On Grass Affect Your Lawn
When it comes to melting ice on grass, salt-free ice melt products are generally a safer option for grass than salt-based products. Salt-based ice melt products can damage grass and...
Don’t Salt Your Concrete Driveway- Use This Instead
People in areas with harsh winters are familiar with the dangers of a slick, icy driveway. Your driveways can become slip and fall hazards, putting you at risk of falling...
Get Your Garden Ready For Winter
The onset of the cold winter weather is nearing. For gardeners, this means that it will soon be time to put away your hoses and tools until next spring’s growing...
Ice Melts And Their Effects On Plants
Have you ever noticed the plants around your sidewalks or driveway looking burned or fading out during the icy winter? If this is the case, it’s time to rethink your...
Is Safe Paw Environmentally Safe?
Getting rid of the snow and ice is one of the biggest challenges during winter. It is imperative to clear the snow off your driveway and keep yourself safe from...
Go Green – What You Can Do To Stop The Rapid Ice Melt of The Glaciers
At Safe Paw we love helping the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. We talk about ice melter a lot and felt it was only right to address the ice...